DU HJÄLPER DETTA UNDERBARA UNIVERSUM EXPLODERA by Hannah Emerson (Anna Nygren translation)


Hannah Emerson’s chapbook YOU ARE HELPING THIS GREAT UNIVERSE EXPLODE, in weird and engaged translation by Anna Nygren. Poems in Swedish. Responses and notes in Swedish and English. Illustrations and design also by Nygren.

Jag lyssnar på ljuset, när det kommer in till min säng på morgonen. Jag äter ljuset om morgonen. Jag äter ljuset och ber om påfyllning. Jag fyller kroppen. Med ljuset. Håll dig, borta, håller dig.

I listen to the light, when it comes to my bed in the morning. I eat the light in the morning. I eat the candle and ask for refills. I fill my body. With the light. Stay, stay, stay.

Hannah Emerson is a nonspeaking autistic poet, and the author of The Kissing of Kissing. She lives in Lafayette, NY.

Anna Nygren is an autistic writer living in Gothenburg, Sweden, together with a cat named Zlatan. Anna writes poetry, prose, plays, essays and academic articles, trying to find ways to communicate the almost incommunicable. 

digital chapbook / 39 pages / $5

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