SILENTLY LOUD (Compilation Album)


Silently Loud is a compilation of songs by nonspeaking autistic songwriters, composed in collaboration with Unrestricted Interest. The songs were recorded by a crew of Minneapolis-based professional musicians (including folks with credits on Grammy-Award-winning albums!) with the support of a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. With songs covering a vast spectrum of tones and topics - from the wildly witty to the softly sublime - Silently Loud is a celebration of all the different ways a mind can rock and roll. 

Songs by Dusty Duby-Koffman, Jack Haynes, Josh Greiner, Owen Simons, Elizabeth Bonker, Imane Boukaila, Aulton Grubbs, Christopher Strommen, Joel Nyland, Quincy Pfeiffer, Caden Rainey, and Danny Whitty.

All lyrics written by the songwriters above, arranged in collaboration with Brian Laidlaw, and performed by Brian Laidlaw, Greg Byers, Con Davison, and Ashley Hanson.

CD / 12 tracks / $12

“Silently Loud” is also available on Spotify, Apple Music, and other streaming sites.

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